Do Turkish banks give loans to foreigners?



Most of the time, when you go to a bank and ask for a loan, you’re talking about applying for a loan from your local bank. But there are times when you need to apply for an international loan — and that’s where Turkish banks come in. In this article, we’ll explain how exactly Turkish banks work with foreigners who want to borrow money from them.

Yes, Turkish banks give loans to foreigners.

If you have a good credit score, or if you have a good history with your Turkish bank, then it’s possible that they will work with you.

Turkish banks are willing to work with foreigners and foreign companies because they know that this makes sense for their business model. They understand that there are many benefits:

  • The Turkish economy has been growing steadily over the past few years, which means there is more demand for loans from all kinds of sources—companies, individuals, and governments alike;

  • There are many foreign investors looking for ways to invest in Turkey;

  • And finally—the local population wants what we have: jobs!

Not all banks offer international loans.

Some banks offer international loans to foreigners, but not all do. Banks that do tend to be more expensive than those that don’t.

Banks base their loan policies on the bank’s knowledge of the borrower.

  • Banks base their loan policies on the bank’s knowledge of the borrower. Banks know their customers, and they know their credit history, which includes things like how much money you have in your account and how long you’ve been a customer at that particular bank.

  • The amount of risk involved in a loan is also taken into consideration when making decisions about whether to approve or deny a loan application. If there’s no risk involved with taking out a loan from one particular bank, then that’s probably why other banks are charging higher interest rates on similar products.

Turkish banks may ask for collateral when extending a loan abroad.

Collateral is not required for a small loan, but it is mandatory for large loans. The value of the collateral you provide should be equal to or greater than your outstanding balance. In other words, if you have $10,000 in credit cards and want to borrow $20,000 from a bank abroad, then you need to put up some property as collateral—that way your bank knows they can trust their money with you again in case they decide to call back the loan (which they will).

If you don’t have any property or belongings that are worth more than $10K and would like some financial help getting started overseas without putting up anything physical as security against repayment—that’s OK too!

Turkish banks are willing to work with you as a foreigner if your credit score is good enough

Turkish banks are willing to work with you as a foreigner if your credit score is good enough. Banks look at your credit history and your income history in order to decide whether or not they want to give loans to you.

Credit scores are based on the amount of debt you have and the amount of income that you make. So, if one loan has been paid off, then this may increase your chances of getting another one from another bank or organization (like an insurance company).


It’s important to remember that there are different types of loans, and the type you get depends on your credit score and the amount of money you want to borrow. If Turkish banks do not offer international loans, it may be worth looking into other options like a home equity loan or personal loan from your home country’s bank.

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